Fairfield Republican
Town Committee
The Fairfield Republican Town Committee (RTC) is an elected body with members from each of the 10 voting districts. Elected by Republicans, the mission of town committee members is:
to encourage able Republicans to run for office;
to conduct Party caucuses;
to organize and direct general election campaigns;
to elect Republicans to office;
to recommend able and qualified Republicans for appointive offices;
to study and recommend improvements in the form of local government;
to study and recommend plans for the improvement of the community;
to study and support (or oppose) State legislation concerning Fairfield;
to sponsor and encourage constructive Party activities;
to sponsor local district clubs; and
to administer Party funds in the Town of Fairfield.
Guiding Principles
Republican officials should hold themselves to the highest ethical standards, and make diligent, open-minded, well-informed decisions on the issues they must address.
Republican officials should be open to all reasonable arguments, debate respectfully any differences of opinion, and act in the best long-term interests of the Town.
Republican officials on different boards, bodies and commissions should communicate, coordinate, and collaborate with one another on important issues facing the Town, particularly budget and major capital spending decisions.
Republican officials should strive to maintain a prudent balance between the benefits and the affordability of public services recognizing that tax increases that are greater than the taxpayers’ ability to pay for them are not sustainable.
What We Value
An open, friendly, welcoming community.
Fairfield should always aspire to be a great American town where everyone feels welcome, and where we can enjoy together our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Smart growth in our tax base that makes Fairfield even more desirable and affordable.
Thoughtful long-term strategic planning to guide our public policy and land use decisions.
New property development that increases tax revenues more than any related increase in the cost of public services.
Limit any adverse impacts on Town character, the environment, natural resources and existing infrastructure.
A strong financial position.
Including recurring capital expenditures in the annual operating budget rather than bonding them.
Monitoring major capital projects carefully.
Keeping debt service costs below 10% of annual spending.
Maintaining a general surplus (or “Rainy Day Fund”) consistent with other AAA communities.
Fully funding the cost of retirement benefits based on reasonable actuarial and rate-of-return assumptions.
Reducing the Town’s exposure to open-ended future liabilities.
Government for the people, by the people.
Local Control / Home Rule.
Personal Choice and Personal Responsibility.
Public Safety.
Relief from burdensome unfunded state mandates.
Limited government.
Great public services at a cost we can afford.
Seeking operating efficiencies and structural changes that reduce the cost of Town services, including those created by continued advances in technology.
Managing the total costs of public employee compensation mindful of their impact on ever-growing long-term liabilities, and of the relentless high growth in the cost of healthcare benefits.
Increasing non-tax revenues, including appropriate user fees and state and federal grants.
Avoiding increases in the tax levy that are greater than inflation plus or minus any percentage change in the tax base.